Courses Taught
- Guest Lecturer, “Physically Based Character Animation,” Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (April 2014)
- Invited Lecture (in English), University of Tokyo, “Robotics and Animatronics in Disney,” Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.
- Guest Lecturer, “Technical Animation,” Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (April 2013)
- Instructor of undergraduate course, “System Control 2,” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo (spring 2007/2008)
- Instructor of graduate course, “Computational Theories in Animation,” Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo (spring 2005/2007)
- Co-instructor of undergraduate course, “Software 2,” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo (spring 2005-2007).
- Co-instructor of undergraduate course, “Control System Design,” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo (fall 2004-2006)